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ITCSD Background

The Department of information technology and cyber security was established by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology on April 1, 2015. The department of information technology and cyber security is composed the following (6) departments to implement the e-Government process of the various departments used to efficiently integrate, to establish the new projects by studying, preparing and drafting the new processes, to define the standardization of Information Communication Technology (ICT),to cooperate with law enforcement organizations to track and trace cybercrimes by monitoring, analyzing and preventing the cyber threats.

 1. Planning, Finance and Support Department


2. e-Government Department


3. Law, information and International Relation


4. National Cyber Security Center


5. Satellite Communication Service


6. Training Center


Our Mission

Create National IT image by cooperating with international CERT for cyber security and Cyber crime

Disseminate Security Information and Advisories

Provide technical assistance

Cooperate with law enforcement organizations for cyber crime


mmCERT Background

Myanmar Computer Emergency Response Team (mmCERT) was formed by e-National Task Force on 23 July 2004. mmCERT/cc was launched by Ministry of Communication and Information Technology on 15 December 2010.


mmCERT, a national CERT in Myanmar is a non-profit organization for dealing with cyber security incidents across an organization. Besides doing incident handling mmCERT also works to increase public awareness in security with the various ways of resources sharing to our community. And it intends to provide cyber security advice to Myanmar Internet users to prevent Internet based attacks.


Hence mmCERT/cc aims to serve as a repository for incident as well as a coordinator of incident response across an organization. This coordination extends outside the organization to include collaboration with other CERT/CSIRT teams, security experts, and law enforcement agencies in local and global.


International Cooperations

General Member of APCERT since 2011

Member of Tsubame Project since 2011

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